Policies of the Captain-General of Archers
Download a printable version of the current policies document: EK_Archery_Policies.pdf
Log of policy revisions:
- 2025-01-01 revisions throughout, including: codifying some things that were traditions which really should have been policy, clarifying some officer positions and their responsibilities, clarifying the MiT and warranting processes, and outlining a more transparent process about revocation of a marshal warrant.
- 2024-06-12 revised VI.A.3.d. to clarify ends which can comprise a Royal Round.
- 2024-05-05 4 minor revisions: I.G.5 concerning Pennsic service; III.B.1.b regarding Japanese bows; III.E.2.d changed "shall" to "may" in presenting crossbows strung; and VIII.B.3.b added exception to 10 foot rule.
- 2018-06-13 revised to disallow bows made of PVC, and to remove or clarify some confusing wording.
- 2017-09-17 revised to remove references to drawing crossbows during inspections.
- 2012-04-03 revised - rewrite
- 2011-07-13 revised
- 2002-01-05 revised
- Details of older versions are not available.